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ΦBK & KBΦ: Political & Economic Influence

Updated: Jan 9, 2022

Below on the SlideShow is an introduction to Phi Beta Kappa (‘ΦBK’) and how prevalent its members have been in positions of power through its short history.

In fact, 17 former US Presidents, 40 Supreme Court Justices and 136 Nobel Laureates. have been inducted into this Phi Beta Kappa. Furthermore, its linked fraternity Kappa Beta Phi has a tight history with Wall street, as will be explained, and the GFC.

We recommend the following articles be read in conjunction with this one:





As mentioned in the slides above, prominent members of Phi Beta Kappa include:

  • Jeff Bezos (1986)

  • Bill Clinton (1968)

  • Condoleezza Rice (1974)

  • Jeb Bush (1973)

  • Ben Bernanke (1975)

To get an understanding of this fraternity it is important to look at its history.


In this article we focus on Phi Beta Kappa (‘ΦBK’) and its counterpart Kappa Beta Phi. However, there are many other linked secret societies. To understand how these societies operate and infiltrate different states and bodies it is important to look back into history.

1776 Declaration of Independence & Rise of Secret Societies

In 1776, the US celebrated the official beginning of their nation, with the Declaration of Independence being issued on the 4th of July.

In Bavaria, today a part of Germany, 1776 saw the founding of The Bavarian Illuminati on the 1 May. The Bavarian Illuminati being an Enlightenment-era secret society was founded in Bavaria, today a part of Germany.

That same year in 1776, by 5 December, Phi Beta Kappa was founded in the US at the College of William & Mary.

Skull & Bones & The Illuminati

Yale’s Skull & Bones operates as an independent elite Freemasons lodge. It originated as 'the Brotherhood of Death' at Ingolstadt Germany, an offshoot of Continental Freemason Baron Von Hund's 'Strict Observance' Rite, who was involved with the Illuminati of Bavaria, another infamous Freemason founded & led secret society.

Freemasons & Phi Beta Kappa

It is also argued that Phi Beta Kappa has ties to the Freemasons as:

  • The ΦBK consisted of students who frequented the Raleigh Tavern as a common meeting area off the college campus.

    • A persistent story maintains that a Masonic lodge also met at this tavern.

  • Some of the original members of ΦBK did become Freemasons later in life.


Kappa Beta Phi's name is a reversal of Phi Beta Kappa, and it was also started at the College of William and Mary. Historically, the organization has inducted top executives of various Wall Street firms. About 15 to 20 new members are inducted each year.

In the slide show see a list of some of the members of this fraternity.



In 2012 Kevin Roose crashed the party of Kappa Beta Phi. He wrote an article ‘One-Percent Jokes and Plutocrats in Drag: What I Saw When I Crashed a Wall Street Secret Society’ about his experience.

Including his witnessing of:

  • Speeches about the founding of the group

  • Drag dressing

  • Singing the parody Book of Mormon

Founding Story

In 2012, according to Wilbur Ross’s opening speech, Kappa Beta Phi was founded in 1929, by per Kevin Roose's recount:

  • ‘four C+ students at William and Mary.’ - Williand and Mary CIA

  • ‘The Wall Street contingent was founded in 1929, just before the stock market crash, later taking on the aim of keeping alive the spirit of those good old pre-depression days, when fat cats grew ever fatter, seemingly immune to whatever economic struggles dominated the lives of the unfortunate masses. By all appearances, Kappa Beta Phi has been a smashing success.’

  • The fraternity’s name is a play on that of the honour society Phi Beta Kappa.

  • ‘An odd wrinkle here, then, is that those elites who most champion the notion of American meritocracy, who insist that whoever works hardest and produces the most value in our society reaps its greatest rewards, all belong to a club whose founding ethos was disdain for fey over-achievers, in favour of macho hedonism.’

According to Wikipedia, by the 1930s the fraternity’s original, non-Wall Street chapters were the bane of many campus presidents, who sought to abolish clubs “characterized as … solely for drinking and partying while making a mockery of academics.”

Yet as noted this group contains some of the most influential figures in the US economy. Click here for our article on their involvement in the GFC.

In this slide show see some of the connections to child trafficking.

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