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PART ONE: THE US IN 1776, The Declaration of Independence & Rise of Secret Societies

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

The downfall of Jeffrey Epstein ('Epstein'), brought the World's attention to the crisis of elite child trafficking, blackmail and corruption. This is a conspiracy orchestrated at the highest levels of society, and is permeated by world leaders, executives of top corporations, religious bodies and entertainment groups.

How could such a global initiative avoid justice and perpetrate such crimes? This article will look at secret societies and how these groups may have formed a network of power that remains largely in the shadows.

Given the large scope of this topic we will look in particular at 1776 and the rise of secret societies around the world and in particular the United States ('US').


Was the creation of secret societies in the United States tied to the Declaration of Independence? Were these societies tied to the Bavarian Illuminati? And if so were their objectives munificent or deceptive?

1776: The Declaration of Independence...

On the 4 July 1776 the US celebrated the official beginning of their nation, with the Declaration of Independence being issued.

In Congress, July 4, 1776 - The Transcribed Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--

The above rights marked not just a promise of freedom and hope, but also the prospect of self determination and a life free from the shackles of colonial rule. To facilitate these rights the Declaration required a system be implemented, as per The Transcribed Declaration:

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Sadly such noble goals, coupled with a plan for accountability and consent to be ruled, were met with the emergence of a band of secret societies. The trouble being one cannot consent to something they do not know exists, nor can they abolish a system that has gone too far when they do not know that system exists.

The Bavarian Illuminati...

On the 1 May 1776, a couple of months before the Declaration of Independence was signed an Enlightenment-era secret society was founded across the world in Bavaria (today a part of Germany). This society would be known as The Bavarian Illuminati.

The conflict of such societies with the Declaration of Independence will become more clear when we see the prevalence of such secret society members in most positions of power within societies around the globe, but in particular the US.

US Secret Societies...

By 5 December 1776, Phi Beta Kappa (‘ΦBK’) was founded in the US at the College of William & Mary, this fraternity would produce many important leaders within US, and come under scrutiny with its connection to the oldest fraternity the Freemasons.

Since its inception in 1776, inducted members have included the following:

  • 17 United States (‘US’) Presidents

  • 40 US Supreme Court Justices

  • 136 Nobel Laureates

Now assuming each of the 17 US Presidents since 1776 were only elected for:

One 4-year term: ~28% of US Presidents were from ΦΒΚ, or 1 out of every ~3.57.

Two 4 year terms: ~56% of US Presidents were from ΦΒΚ, or 1 out of every ~1.79.

17 Presidents is A LOT given that:

§ The group was formed in 1776 while many were in college; and

o The average age of Presidents is 50+.

§ This figure also excludes other fraternities connected to Phi Beta Kappa.

§ Worst, this group dominates judiciary & academia too, not just the executive!

Prominent members of ΦΒΚ include:

  • Jeff Bezos (1986)

  • Bill Clinton (1968)

  • Condoleezza Rice (1974)

  • Jeb Bush (1973)

  • Ben Bernanke (1975)

Furthermore, Phi Beta Kappa's linked fraternity Kappa Beta Phi has a tight history with Wall street as will be explained.

Kappa Beta Phi

The organization's name, Kappa Beta Phi, is a reversal of Phi Beta Kappa. About 15 to 20 new members are inducted to this group each year, and historically, the organization has inducted top executives of various Wall Street firms.

Other Secret Societies

In this article we focus more on Phi Beta Kappa and its counterpart Kappa Beta Phi (‘KBΦ’). However, there are many other linked secret societies. Take for example, Yale’s Skull & Bones, which operates as an independent elite Freemasons lodge. It is said to have originated as 'the Brotherhood of Death' at Ingolstadt Germany, an offshoot of Continental Freemason Baron Von Hund's 'Strict Observance' Rite, who was involved with the Illuminati of Bavaria, another infamous Freemason founded & led secret society. Famous members have included former President George W. Bush.

It is also argued that Phi Beta Kappa has ties to the Freemasons as:

  • The ΦBK consisted of students who frequented the Raleigh Tavern as a common meeting area off the college campus.

    • A persistent story maintains that a Masonic lodge also met at this tavern.

  • Some of the original members of ΦBK did become Freemasons later in life.


Was the creation of secret societies in the United States tied to the Declaration of Independence? Were these societies tied to the Bavarian Illuminati? And if so were their objectives munificent or deceptive?

JFK on covert societies infiltrating government & institutions of power...

John F. Kennedy ('JFK'), the 35th President of the United States, looked to stamp out what he perceived as powerful secret societies within the United States government.

Two years before his assassination on 22 November 1963, JFK delivered a powerful speech at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York, he stated:

'For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

While speaking with the National News Publishers Association on April 27, 1961, Kennedy called for an end to secret societies in government, he stated:

It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.'

JFK also noted in his speech that this monolith build a tightly knit system, that included:

It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

JFK also highlighted the control of information as a tool used by this group to maintain its power.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumour is printed, no secret is revealed.

These covert means to gain power include the most evil forms of blackmail.

  • Click here to listen to JFK's Speech.

  • Click here to read: SECRET SOCIETIES: Control, Blackmail & Child Abuse.


In the CIA Government Library, is a free PDF of F. Springmeier’s book (1995) ‘Bloodlines of Illuminati by: Fritz Springmeier’, Springmeier argues that a group that hides in the shadows control the major & minor political parties, and that they control process of government, information flow, creating money & Christendom. However, as most do not know of their existence we are powerless to exert our free will or stop them.

The importance of history...

In this book, the author, Springmeier, writes on why history is important as ‘to control the past is to control the present’, and notes this Group's endeavour to control the entire learning process from cradle to grave, as it gives them great ability to shape our frames of reference as ordinary citizens.

The 1776 Commission was an advisory committee established in September 2020 by then–U.S. President Donald Trump to support what he called "patriotic education".[1] The commission, which included no historians specializing in United States history,[1] released The 1776 Report on January 18, 2021, two days before the end of Trump's term.[2] Historians condemned the report, saying it was "filled with errors and partisan politics".[1][3] The commission was terminated by President Joe Biden on January 20, 2021.

Is some of our history missing?

Yes, for example, under the Vatican:

'Fifty-three miles of shelving. Thirty-five thousand volumes of catalogue. Twelve centuries worth of documents. Housed in one of the most iconic bastions of religion and culture ever, the Vatican’s Secret Archives are the stuff of historical legend—but their existence is absolutely real.'

'Just the name invokes the mystery and pageantry of the Catholic Church, and prompts the more imaginative to come up with sinister theories about what might lie within. The archives’ indexes are not public—and are only accessible to scholars once they are 75 years old—and they are housed in a fortress-like part of the Vatican.'

Other groups like Nation states, powerful families and fraternal organisations like the Freemasons also hoard knowledge of the past and Ancient Artefacts. This brings us to an introduction of the Freemasons.


Freemasons are believed to belong to the oldest fraternal organization in the world. A group that is said to have begun during the Middle Ages in Europe as a guild of skilled builders.

Traditionally, Freemason membership has only been open to men. In the group’s “1723 Constitutions,” a kind of guidebook to the organization by James Anderson, written under the aegis of the Grand Lodge of England, women and atheists were excluded along with enslaved people.

Famous Freemasons can be found throughout history such as:

  • US Presidents:

    • George Washington was a Master Mason

    • Benjamin Franklin was a founding member of the first Masonic Lodge in America.

    • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    • Gerald Ford were Masons

  • Prime Minister of Great Britain: Winston Churchill.

  • Musician: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

  • Entrepreneur: Henry Ford

  • Astronaut: Buzz Aldrin

Freemasons Inspired America’s First Political Third Party.

In the US the Anti-Masonic Party was the first third party that was formed in 1828 in response to fears that the Masonic group was growing too secretive and powerful. It is said, many of its members touted conspiracy theories about the Freemasons, with some leaders claiming that an infamous murder of the time had occurred at the hands of the Masons, in an effort to keep to keep the victim from revealing the organization’s secrets.

JFK the 35 President of the US would ring also ring alarms of a secret group infiltrating the nation many years later.

Returning back to F. Springmeir on the Shadow System, let's look at the Declaration of Independence and the origins of these secret societies.


LIST alleged members conspiracies

Like JFK F. Springmeier notes the existence of a clandestine group. In particular he notes 13 bloodlines, who have an integral part in shaping our collective destiny over in most cases at least hundreds of years.

  1. Rothschild

  2. Rockerfeller

  3. DuPont

  4. Astor

  5. Kennedy

  6. Onassis bloodline

  7. Bundy Bloodline

  8. Collins bloodline

  9. Freeman bloodline

  10. Li Bloodline

  11. Reynolds bloodline

  12. Russell

  13. Van Duyne

Like JFK F. Springmeier notes the existence of a clandestine group.

These bloodlines have ties to secret societies and highest levels of power and control of society. Here's a few examples of how some of the families may tie to some of the secret societies formed in the US in 1776.The following info on the bloodlines comes from F. Springmeier’s book.

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